Center for Athletes’ Rights and Equity
LEAD Consortium
Leadership for Equity and Athlete Development (LEAD) Consortium, CARE’s signature learning component, is a vibrant community of education and sport leaders that collaborate with the purpose to rigorously and holistically prepare athletes for successful professional careers beyond athletics. We have developed an extensive curriculum of evidence-based materials to teach valuable skills and equity strategies, and to introduce participants to a world of opportunities.
If you are interested in joining LEAD, contact us.
Become a Partner
The Leadership for Equity and Athlete Development (LEAD) Consortium is a great investment for educational institutions, sports organizations, community organizations, and more.
Partner Benefits
LEARNING SESSIONSLEAD Consortium provides four-week virtual learning sessions for leaders—athletes, professionals, educators, executives, and the like—at an individual institution or organization. Each two-hour synchronous learning session delivered one day each week provides leaders with firsthand experience and insider connections to equity strategies and resources. The importance of creating sites of humanness, caring, and belongingness are recurring themes throughout these sessions. Our team of equity-minded facilitators have extensive expertise delivering convenient, high-quality learning opportunities.
Special emphasis will be placed on practical lessons that leaders can learn and apply from contemporary case studies of real-world situations; and learning equity and inclusion strategies in increasingly diverse contexts.
Participating groups can choose from the list of topics below, or sessions can be tailored to meet specific needs. Select topics that address athletes across all levels of competition:
Amateur and High School Sports
College Athletes
Professional Athletes
Participants have access to the online LEAD Consortium Portal, a dynamic collection of adaptable resources. The Portal provides a curated list of resources that all participating members will find helpful, including a central location for podcasts, readings, information sharing sessions, guest expert webinars, and news and event items of interest to leaders. The Portal also helps connect leaders across the Consortium through online communities moderated by experts.
This comprehensive survey provides educational institutions with comprehensive and actionable information on athletes’ sense of belonging in the campus community. Belongingness has been associated with a range of desirable educational outcomes including persistence in college, increased academic achievement, and increased self-efficacy. Two-and four-year institutions have used results from the Belongingness survey to enhance the college athlete experience. Participants receive a monograph of the Survey results, including a data file of their athletes’ survey responses, and practical recommendations for leading change.
The annual LEAD Consortium membership fee is $30,000.00, and an institution or organization can register up to 30 participants for each of the virtual learning sessions. Contact us for customized learning sessions to match your interests and needs.